Welcome to The Coastal Center
The Coastal Center team is a group of fully licensed professionals with a wealth of experience treating the whole spectrum of social and emotional health across all ages. Some of our clients are facing issues with family relationships, parenting, marital conflicts, social development, grief and life transitions. Others might have previous diagnoses of Anxiety, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, Autism, Depression, Obsessive Compulsory Disorder or Bipolar Disorder.
We serve the Whole Family
Our seasoned clinical professionals serve individual children, adolescents, and adults, of all ages. In addition, we collaborate and integrate the individual’s therapy to include other family members.
With our deep talent pool of professionals, we can offer concurrent treatment sessions to family members. We can collaborate as a team on a treatment plan that involves everyone in a family. By working with more than one family member, we are able to maximize the family’s inherent strengths, create overall better communication, and assign tools that help families share lessons learned while in therapy and reinforce tools and skills at home.
We serve all ages
Our seasoned clinicians offer a depth and breadth of experience in treating social and emotional health of all ages.
Some of our clients present with a previous diagnosis such as Anxiety, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, Autism, OCD or Bipolar Disorder. Other clients are facing issues with family relationships, parenting, marital conflicts, social development, grief and life transitions.
Only one piece of the puzzle
Your child may spend an hour a week or less in therapy, sharing critical thoughts and information with our staff. At the Coastal Center, we know what we unearth during that time is only one piece of the puzzle.
Although we honor a child’s confidentiality in therapy, partnership and communication with parents and caregivers is essential. We encourage our younger clients to share their experiences and epiphanies with a trusted adult and, when appropriate, we will help a child verbalize his or her experience with us. Partnership with caregivers is essential to help children transfer their newly learned tools and skills to their world beyond our offices.
Strength-based Therapy
We believe in a client centered, strength-based model that supports and guides the client through life challenges and celebrates strengths and successes along the way. The cornerstone of our therapeutic work is our ability to work with any client, individuals, families or couples, helping them to identify inherent strengths and use them to find success in therapy.
Perhaps our greatest strength is our collaborative practice providing a critical foundation for effective therapy. We implement a team approach considering the individual, the family and the therapist(s); each an integral and equal player in the process.
Structured Play Sessions
Children develop at all different rates and seemingly unevenly; achievement of developmental milestones can be broadly interpreted. Our methods of working with the youngest group or toddlers and preschoolers, look like a lot of fun – and they are! Our play-based therapy techniques, utilizing a child’s inherent strengths, will uncover where the child might be having difficulty integrating changes in the environment, or difficulty relating to objects or people.
Through a structured play session with a clinician or two, we can help a parent better understand their child and build strategies to increase a child’s strengths. Learn more about our Play Therapy.
Laughter is the Best Medicine
As simple as it might sound, laughter truly can be the best medicine. Our therapists look for humor in the moment, find funny in the mundane, and help clients laugh in the face of adversity. Therapy can be difficult, tedious work. Humor is an important part of the therapeutic process, not meant to trivialize challenges, but to create welcome levity to sometimes heavy topics; strengthening the bond between therapist and client.
The Coastal Center has two convenient locations:
The Coastal Center Norwell
200 Cordwainer Drive, Suite 105
Norwell, MA 02061
The Coastal Center Plymouth
103 C Court Street
Plymouth, MA 02360